2 in 1, I hear you say? Destroyed and complete, here's how. You need two La Haye Saints, this is the good old Airfix 1/72nd model
from the 70's
The base is hard board, and the central paved area is wall paper sample from B&Q (Free). I made the internal damaged walls smaller internally than the shell that will go over it. Make sure before glueing in place (tack with hot glue gun with roof off).
The destroyed parts finished
inside the complete shell
With the outer shell in place
The extended wall on the model had to be made thicker,by using two of the walls stuck together to make a shell,so the ruined wall could not be seen
Sand and grit added to courtyard
All painted, the finshed project:
The Germans arrive. Zis iz your billet Herr Major.
"Check out ze buildings men"
"und ze garten, any zourkraut?"
Allied Aerial observer see whats moving about.
Two Regiments of 25pdrs later
I still have 2 unmade complete models to "play" with.
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