We were very rusty over the rules, we even allowed the Colonial troops to come in on movement bases, which it clearly states in the rules they shouldn't!
any way, we used the list from the original set as Dave had his troops designed for that and now needs more Zulus for the Version 2 list!
The game scenario was that the British had to get at least one unit of foot in the village by the end of the game. We would roll a D4 when a unit arrived at the village and that number on the dice is when the game would end!
Zulu Forces- 4 Brigades, All good Commanders - use D Ave for initiative.

British Forces - 2 poor Commanders (D4) and 2 Average Commanders (D6)
4 small Brigades but a lot of firepower.

Although the Colonial should not use movement bases against Irregular Armies (they are assumed to be out scouted), We gave it a go.

Zulu Hidden movement bases. Good Generals get 3 extra movement bases as dummies), The Colonial got 1 extra as having a Poor General

Turn 2
As the units are spotted, they are placed on the table. The Zulus should manage to spot the Colonials very quickly.

Zulu movement base at edge of brush (Bottom of picture)

Turn 3 British are still failing spotting roles and now getting nervous. Also Zulus should have gone to Specsavers!

Turn 4 - Zulu placed out their right horn

Zulus then blocked the Colonial Right Column with a hidden movement base.

Turn 6 - British move up to force a reaction

And they got one! Zulu left horn, charging the British while the NNC (Natal Native Contingent) looks on!

The yellow marker denotes the unit is Shaken

Turn 7 - Mounted infantry about to be hit by two Zulu units!

British Artillery and Rockets fire and both miss!

We resumed the game the next week
Turn 9 - The Colonial started to get their act together and pour fire into the Zulu Right Horn. The Mounted infantry at the bottom of the picture were forced to Retire Shaken from turn 8

I decided to pop out another hidden unit to give the British cause for concern and so as not to allow the Colonials to concentrate on one Brigade.

Turn 10 - Another Zulu Brigade broke cover and advanced on the Colonials. The Lancers caused a few casualties but the Zulus Morale held.

The Zulu Right Horn had taken many casualties and had lost one unit but the British had a some poor firing and the Zulu thought that it was now their time. The blue counter denote a morale test is required.

The Left Horn saw success against the British Infantry and would now (Hopefully) sweep down the hill and clear the rest away

Turn 11 - Fresh Zulu units joined the fray.

The Zulu Right Horn were starting to lose units and were becoming very weak.

We left it there as the Colonials would not be able to reach their objective,the Kraal. A Zulu victory was only a few turns away
The rules cause a lot of tension due to the hidden movement. Dave had not played the rules for about 12 years and it was only my second game in as many years.But still a good set of Colonial rules when played properly, from game/ scenery set up to deployment and objectives which force opponents towards their goal and not just Laager up and blow the natives away.
This has encouraged me to rebase my 6mm 1879 armies.
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