1200 points Americans Attacking 600 Points Germans Defending.
Somewhere on the German border, 1945
Dave (German), placed the terrain and the American had no say, so lots of killing ground. Harry and I thought Dave would use small pockets of Armour and Dave thought we would go for lots of armour, both wrong.
My force 2 Battalions of Gi's (One lorried, one on foot)
1 Chemical Weapons unit (4.2" Mortars)
2 Jacksons M36 Tank Destroyers
1 Battalion Lorried Infantry
1 Chemical Weapons unit (4.2" Mortars)
2 Jacksons M36 Tank Destroyers
2 Wolverine M10 Tank Destroyers
1 Recce HT
1 AT company Pak43
2 Battalions of dug in Infantry (1 elite)
1 Goliath
I think I confused Dave by bringing on my foot Battalion with the lorried infantry behind, I hope he thought that these were the transports for the GI's
Turn 1

Turn 2 saw the Recce HT take a Heavy Damage (HD). You can see the PaK, under Dav's finger!

Turn 3 - My mortar took out the Pak40 that HD the HT. The Yanks push on

Harry debused and got in cover

And pushes his Wolverines forward

Turn 4 - Mortar FO has dug in, at he wood edge. The Americans push on.

The Recce HT springs a German Trench blocking their path

As the Wolverines move out into open country a 50mm Pak on Reserve Fire (ambush mode), Open up and Destroys one of the M10s, and in the German's turn proper, Heavy damages the other. This could be devastating morale wise for the US.

And my flank got a shock too. A 88mm Pak43.

The lorried infantry push on through the foot sloggers and start to debus

The the US 57mm deploys and more units debus

Meanwhile on the US Right flank, another trenchworks and the M10 took another Light damage, and were still there. And the Battalion HQ found it's self to be the lead vehicle and the truck got destroyed and the HQ Bailed unscathed.

Turn 5- Saw the American left flank overwhelming the defenders

Harry on the right, was making progress too.

Game ended there. The German casualties had been building up and were now taking consecutive morale checks along their front. American victory was a turn or two away!
Even though we had double the points, the Americans made use of them by deploying enough troops on the ground to overwhelm the German pockets.The German player made the force Elite, so it was a tough fighting force and not going anywhere. The consecutive morale tests would been the breaking of them.
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