We used the LotR rules
All of the Army of Evil were all freshly painted, so I did not rate our success, but......
Harry the Harad, deploy his units blocking the way to the bridge, the Easterlings entered the table turn 1 and the Rohan started on table. Casualties -(face down are dead, face up are stunned)
Turn 1

Easterling set up:

Harad set up:

Rohan set up:

Full deployment:

Harad lost 2 men on turn one from archery

Turn 2
Rohan advance

As do the Easterlings

The Easterlings need to secoure the bridge quickly.

Turn 3
Easterlings are almost in the fray

Rohan cavalry charge a couple of isolated Harad left of the monoliths (made by Dave)

But the Rohan only managed to push the Harad back.

The rest of the Rohan push towards the center

Turn 5

The Rohan try & finish of the couple of Harad

They kill one and knock the other three down

Turn 6

The Easterling cavalry now can charge in

Two dead Rohan

Securing the bridge

More downed Harad, by spears this time

Turn 7
The Forces of Evil charge in along it's line

Another Harad bites the dust

as do more Rohan fall

Turn 8
The Rohan are close to a Morale and will need reinforcements very soon

More casualties for both sides

Rohan 2iC being attacked

Turn 9
Rohan lost about 6 men from Morale failure this turn so we decide to role for reserves for Rohan D6 of figures appear (4)

All the Rohan are in melee, the Easterling warriors come and secure the northern end of the bridge.

At this point, Rohan took 4 more casualties and Theoden failed his own morale, so was captured.
Win to the Forces of Evil
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