The Armies: Harry supplied a Republican Roman army with Later Successor Ally vs My, Later Successor with Numidian Ally (not historical,I know,but hey, report me)and each army 500points. The Numidian had lots of proxies (most in fact)
We played on 12foot x 5 foot table. Four players, there were 61 dice in the bag and drew out 13 dice each turn. We also put in an extra dice for each General.
Picture heavy. To involved in the game to make notes on who did what to who.
Later Successor army

Numidian Ally

Republican Rome

Later Successor Ally

The table. You can see the bag of dice on the left on the picture.

The battle- TURN 1- usual early cautious manouvers

Dice being used to activate all along the front.

TURN 2- Pike vs Pike

The Numidians ranked themselves three deep to absorb the heavy foot.

Protect the elephants until needed.

Clash of the two pike blocks. Skulls are casualties.

More Pikes ready to move up.

Cavalry getting into position to attack my flank!

The Romans moving straight into the Numidian Medium infantry.

The Successors clash did not cause enough casualties on either side and with the officers attached, both units kept removing kills in the "end phase".

The game ended up a draw as both sides only lost about 6 units, due to slow moving heavy foot and the Numidian army decided to defend. a lot was learned in this game about big units can take a lot of punishment and pretty much hold their ground!
Looks great, no wonder the game was getting attention.