We also went bigger form our usual 400 points. Persian 560 points and Roman 548 Points.
The set up. Did not use terrain this time (just get stuck in and for Harry to learn the rules), which suited the Persians, hmmmm open gound.
We both used camps which are handy to have for command and an extra dice in the bag and allocation of "bonus dice" Romans had 18 dice (Red) and Persians 20 dice (Blue).
Romans on the right of Picture



Turn 1: bits of maneuvering from both sides, Romans fire their Ballistas at long range against my Uber light Horse Romans firing continually every turn and did not cause one casualty against this unit all night.

Enveloping the Roman Cavalry on Persian left flank

Turn 2: Persians lose some light foot and a unit of Cataphracts on the left, to very bad combat dice! And I charged so had impact rule!

The Persian right had successful combat and took out four Roman units
End of turn 2:

Roman Casualties

Persian Casualties

Turn 3:

Persian were starting to roll bad combats, even lost one unit of Elephants to archers IN COMBAT!

Roman Casualties were building too!

Turn 4:Disaster after disaster for the Persians in combat

No Roman casualties this turn, only more Elephants!

Turn 5 saw more combats along the line and both sides reaching the first morale stage (1/3 losses), The Roman Infantry were plodding across the battlefield to the Persian infantry but we ran out of time for a sixth turn, so called it a draw with a pyrrhic victory to the Romans
Roman Casualties (20 points lost)

Persian Casualties (26 Points Lost)

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