Somewhere in Germania 1st Century BC
Mac (Germanic) and I (Roman) had a game of S & S, 400 points. I went for only two commanders as I thought I would be "overwhelmed" by the Germanic Warbands. I placed my camp right up behind my front line (camp gives morale (Discipline) support).
Roman Army Deployed 1 General and 1 Captain.
5 Heavy Foot (Legion Heavy Auxilleries), 1 Medium Foot (Spear), 1 Medium Archer unit, 3 Armoured Cavalry (1 with impact), 2 Light Archer foot, 1 Light Horse and a camp, giving me 14 dice in the bag
Germanic Deployed. 1 General and 2 Captains
3 Heavy Foot (Large units), 1 Medium Foot, 3 Noble Cavalry, 2 Light Cavalry, 5 Light foot giving 14 dice in the bag.
Turn 1 - Usual manoeuvrings
Turn 2 - German LH charged and destroyed Roman LH Nomadic Allies.
Roman Heavy Auxilleries on the right, move up
Both sides Light Foot start mixing it, in the central wood.
Germanic left flank moves up it's Light Foot
End of turn 2 casualties: Roman. (points should be 3). Germans have taken no casualties
Turn 3 -
Roman Light Foot rolls some decent dice and Germans didn't. There was another grey dice out of shot, also a 1, as the defender throws an extra dice when in cover and being shot at!
Roman Impact Cavalry charge a unit of Noble Germans that had no dice dice assigned. Romans destroyed them in one go!
Roman Cavalry on right flank get ready to charge next turn, but take a casualty from the German Light Foot.
Roman Infantry move forward.
The Roman Impact Cavalry Destroyed a unit of Noble Cavalry and pursue and hit the Light Horse, but great rolls from the LH causes 2 hits on Roman Cavalry.
Meanwhile, elsewhere
End of turn 3, casaulties - None this turn for Romans
Turn 4 -
Roman Cavalry charge German LH.
And with 3 Roman dice (5,5,4) against 2 (2,2), the Roman destroy the LH.
The Roman Cavalry on the right flank, charge the Lt ft, destroying it and pursuing into Noble Cavalry behind,
and receive 2 hits
Central foot units
End of turn 4 casualties Roman - Lost a Light Foot unit
Turn 5 -
The Roman Cavalry on right flank were eliminated this turn, by receiving a third kill.
And the Germanic Cavalry pursuit takes it just short of a Heavy Foot unit.
The Roman Impact Cavalry was having a time of it against a unit of LH that refused to die!
End of turn 5 casualties Roman
Germanic - Lost a captain and a LH unit this turn.
Turn 6 - German Noble Cavalry Charge the spear unit and receive a hit, then a second unit of spears joined the fight.
Germanic Heavy Foot start to move up, but is it to late?
The Roman General adds himself to the Impact Cavalry, in the end phase, for morale support and to reduce the hits.
Turn 7 - We decided to play a 7th turn!
The right flank. Bad dice for the Germans. 2 kills and 2 Discipline tests and a test for the commander, as all the Roman dice won.
After 4 turns the Roman Impact Cavalry destroy the Germanic LH
And on the right flank, the German Noble Cavalry are broken, although the Captain survives to join another unit.
The Germanic Foot charge in and cause 1 hit and the Romans cause 4 hits on 2 units
the Impact Cavalry and General are way out on the left flank
End of turn 7 and end of game, casualties. Roman - 11 army points.
Germanic- 20 Army points. this was to cause an army morale test, and another 4 points would break the army.
Another fine game and a Roman victory! Thanks for another tense game Mac!
Nice to see a S&S game, thanks for all the work in getting that shared - norm.
ReplyDeleteThanks, It's the trying to keep tabs and still play the game that becomes an issue!