Tis the year of our Lord 1050, the Holy land is in a state of upheavel, as to is Byzantium with constant raids from Muslim tribes, trying to enhance their betterment within their own realms.
We see the Mamluk nation send a large army with one thing as it's intention, conquest and complete domination of the Christian lands, with the ultimate prize,Constantinople Twenty Five years later, the Seljuk Turks of central Asia would be bearing down on Constantinople, Emperor Alexius I would turn to the West for help, resulting in the declaration of “holy war” by Pope Urban II at Clermont, France, that began the First Crusade.
600 Points, Byzantines used 1 General and 2 Captains, went for a mostly mounted force as I knew the Mamluks would be all mounted, 9 Cavalry units, 3 Heavy and 1 Medium (Bows) foot, 2 Light Horse and 2 Light foot units, with a camp would give me 18 dice in the bags. First test would be at 22 and army break at 32 points The Mamluks had 14 Cavalry units with various states armour, bows, etc, 3 Light Horse and a camp to give them 17 dice. First test would be at 21 and army break at 31 points
We diced for terrain and knowing even if I outscouted my opponent, I would have to place my Heavy foot first, so I took the option of not using any scouting dice and Bunny used 4 dice to add to his LH (3). I would deploy first.
Deployment and first move. Byzantine on the right, Mamluks on the left.
From the Byzantine camp, Varangian Guard (on left, red cloaks)
The usual first turn manoeuvers
The Mamluk's best Cavalry on the hill
Byzantine Kataphraktoi (Backs to Camera), can see their target.
TURN 2: The first Byzantine Heavy Cavalry charges in, and takes 1 kill, even the Impact ability failed. On rolling dice my highest was a 3! I hoped this was not setting a precedent for the game!
It would seem yes would be the answer, with another unit of Impact Cavalry being destroyed in turn 2.
Even the Extra Heavy Kataphraktoi took a kill, as it failed a discipline test, seeing a unit rout! Anything but a 1 or 2!!
Still more casualties fall as the Pecheneg Allies receive 2 kills!
One the Byzantine Heavy Cavalry did destroy a Mamluk unit that lacked protection.
End of turn 2 Casualties were even.
In the movement of officers and losing of kills, the Pecheneg lose one their kills
TURN 3: Byzantine Heavy Cavalry got it's act together and destroyed a Mamluk unit on first contact!
Overview, end of turn 3.
TURN 4: The Pecheneg Cavalry were under pressure by two Mamluk units, and were destroyed in this turn!
The battle lines were starting to fracture into smaller battles. The Byzantine Infantry were now required to plug the center. Some Allied Cavalry are now needed to protect the impending flank attack against the Kataphractoi's flank (Top right of Picture)
All along the line, detroyed units of Mamluks were causing fails in Discipline test! End of turn 4 Casualties Byzantine 11 army points
Mamluk 19 army points
TURN 5: This turn started with the Maluks getting 6 dice to the Byzantines 1. The result of this was the Mamluk could pick their targets. Byzantine Heavy Cavalry destroyed.
The Byzantines ended this turn "on a roll" and a lot of Mamluk units crumbled from discipline tests, as other units were destroyed and the General was killed by the Byzantine Heavy Infantry, which neede a 6 to kill him after winning all the melee dice in this fight!
More units failed discipline and the Mamluk army crumbled as they reached their break point by the end of turn 5, 31 Points
The Byzantines were still nowhere near their demoralise points of 22
Constantinople is once again safe as the Mamluks make their way back to Egypt.
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