Deployment: Normans left and Vikings right.

Vikings: Solid mass of Armoured foot in the middle, flanked by lesser troops and mounted huscarls on the Left, with a reserve of berserkers.

Normans: Crossbows and Heavy Spear armed foot in the center flanked by impact knights and light troops.

Turn 1 & 2: Norman Knights advance on both flanks

Turn 2: Norman's get aggressor and charge into the mounted huscarls on the Norman right and routs them but loses a unit of knights in the process. On the Norman left (Top of the picture), a stalemate as no casualties were caused in the melee. But the Norman Light Horse ran over the Viking Light Foot and they with the Viking Cavalry met in Val Halla.

Knights and Viking foot in melee.

Casualties end of turn 2


Turn 3 & 4, Vikings now on the left( I changed my camera angle).
The melee continues, but now the Norman Light Horse are in the rear of the Vikings.

The Viking Shield wall plods forward and some brave (or Stupid) Norman spears advance to break up the formation.

Turn 5 see the Berserkers try to cut off the charge of the LH but to no avail. The centres of both forces start to engage. The spear unit routs.

On the Viking Left, Norman Knights charge.

the centre melee. Normans (right), Vikings (Left)

Casualties, end of turn 5

Turn 6: General melee along the line. The Viking Berserkers are charge by the LH frontally and melees first and neither unit cause casualties. The Knights charge in the flank and destroy the Berserkers with awful dice from Iain 2,1,1,1 and better dice from me 6, 6, 5, 4

14 points in casualties Viking at the end of turn 6

We played on for 2 more turns and the Viking army broke.
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