The deployment pictures are from the first time we set the game up, then they switch between the run through game and the game at Crisis show in Antwerp 2018.

15mm figures, all from my collection, using Shako II rules.I doubled the size of the units.
The scenario is from Fields of Glory.

The game has 12 turns and the French objective is to occupy Albuera town by turn 12 and break three of the Allied Divisions. The Anglo/Allied commander has to prevent this to win.
We rolled each turn to see if we had the downpour that happened on the day!
Blue counters are staggered units (Shaken), Red and yellow are wounds, Green are blown cavalry!
British Right Flank - British/ Portuguese Cavalry Brigade

British Right Centre - The two Spanish Divs of Ballesteros & Zayas

British Centre -Stewart in the pass, Hamilton on his left on the heights, Alten's KGL in Albuera town

Albuera town Occupied by the Kings German Legion, Stewart's 2nd Div occupy the pass with Hamilton's Portuguese Div. on the heights to the right of the pic. Beresford's command post on the green hill. The French Div of Godinot in the foreground.

Cole still approaching the battlefield

French Left The main French attack plan was to feint an attack on Albuera with their main force attacking from the allies right flank.

French Left flank - Cavalry Division. British Cavalry Division on the heights across the valley, with the Spanish Divisions to the right in the pic

Top left is the french cavalry Div. of Latour-Maubourg. Then are the division's of Girard, Gazon & Wrele. Soult's Command post in the foreground

Turn 1 - French Cavalry Advance into the valley.

Girard, Gazan & Wrele advance to their right.

Turn 2 -The British Cavalry charge in typical fashion the Dragoons hit and cause 2 kills on one of the French Dragoon units, causing them to fall back. The British Dragoon Regt decided it prudent to recall back to the safety of the rear slope, leaving the Portuguese Light Cavalry to their fate!

That's the British Dragoons,that is!

Meanwhile, the French infantry plod on towards the Spanish right flank

The British Division of Cole is marching as fast as they can.

Turn 3 - Saw the French columns of Girard hit Zayas' Spanish Division and saw the Division lose 3 of his 5 Battalions in the two turns.

Albuera town is now being assaulted by the French Div of Godinot!

Turn 5- Zayas Spanish Division on the High ground, continued to take hits, but has managed to start turning his units to face.

The Portugese Light Cavalry were destroyed in turn 4 and the British light dragoons fell back as the British Dragoons now reformed tried to stem the tide of French Cavalry and allow the British Lights to reform further back towards Albuera.

Amazingly, the Spanish were holding and making it hard work for the French on the ridge

And in turn slowing the French advance.

Cole was now ready to deploy his Division and stem the French waves that would be arriving soon.

Turn 6 - Downpour!
The Spanish had slowed the French and Cole was forming line of battle to the rear of the British Front line
Turn 7 - Albeura town is under pressure and the Garrison are close to breaking.

Zayas Spanish on the ridge are now taking casualties and starting to rout, causing morale checks to other units as they go! And the French push on.

The French Divisions are now heading into the valley behind the Spanish

Cole Division is forming with the British Dragoons staying out of trouble (top left)

Turn 8 -
The French Hussar unit took some kills from musketry

The Spanish are now being completely outflanked

In Albuera Alten has been pushed back to the rear town sector, as the fight of Albuera town intensifies!

After another successful melee, the British Dragoons managed to find the safety of Cole's Division.

Turn 9 -Bloody fighting continues in Albuera town, but the French units cannot move though the town until all sectors are clear
of enemy.

The Spanish of Ballesteros decide to charge the French in the valley

and managed to force one unit to fall back

Chaos in the valley

Turn 10 - Was not good for the French with lots of staggered units, even the Grenadiers

Turn 11 & 12 - With Cole's Division Deployed in the valley and fresh, and Godinot got pushed back from the town, and his Division broke from taking 50% casualties and poor dice for morale. The French left flank would now be facing more fresh British and Portuguese units. Soult decided to pull back and take the fight to the Allies on another day!
An Anglo/Allied Victory.