Table 1

Table 2

Table 3

Table 4

Table 5

Table 6 The Table I played on Carentan

Table 7

Table 8

Table 9

US 2nd Armored's objective were clear- Secure the two Southern bridges and Carentan and then on to St. Jean de Day and Auverville to the far west of the table.
Table 6 Carentan on Right Forces - US 2nd Armoured Vs 17th SS Division

1st turn -US


Some of my troops on the next table(to my right, table7)

3rd turn - US, the fight for Carentan begins and lasted the whole game

US taking the centre bridge

Fighting over the southern bridge.

4th turn
StuGs move up, whilst GI's occupy house west of the canal (building on right)

More US troops pile in to Carentan to aid their buddies

2 direct hits to the US M10's and Halftrack, Other M10 failed morale and retired two moves

US Amour held up by StuGs in center and misses with all their firing

6th turn - US Artillery did not hit a thing all game till turn 6, when it took out a lot of the SS troops in the field west of the canal, attacking the bdg

My US Paras, on table 7, were pushing across the table

The first Stug went up in turn 6( I think) Lots of brewed US armour

8th turn
Reinforcements engage west of Carentan

Turn 8 Other tables.

US reinforcements arrive - Infantry

And armour :lol:

9th turn - Obscured shot on the StuG- Bang!- forced morale and remaining Stug routed

My Paras from table 7, break into Carentan from the South

Para Howitzers

Last attempt to occupy house west of central bridge failed!

US Halftracks burst out from Carentan to attack German reinforcements

Carentan finally occupied by US forces

US now making in roads across the river, Table 7

Allied Victory by the end of play. Chinese Buffet for grub and drinks

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