28mm Figures, both sides from my collection. The bases have been finished since this game.
The Turks won Scouting, so Crusaders placed first. approx 445 points each Crusaders test would be 16 army points and the Turks 18.
Deployments and Close-ups. The rules used are Sword and Spear.


Turn 1: Both side move up, Turk mounted bows cause some casualties.

Turn2: Turks moved up and all their bow armed horse loosed and caused two crusader units to go.

Turn 3: More top shooting from the Turks. one foot archer unit fired at the Hospilitars and rolled 4 sixes (using a bonus dice), and the Hospilitars rolled 4 ones!!!!!!!!
Casualties for the Crusaders rising, as was my blood pressure with bad dice rolls. I changed my dice!!!!!
1 point away from my first army test, already!!!!!!!!

Turkish casualties
Templars second combat against Camelry kills Camelry and then crashes into an archer unit and causes two kills on it.

Turn 4: More Turkish luck, My Sergeant Spears Charge with a bonus 6 for Melee. Roll five dice 4 Strength and Bonus dice (not fresh) rolls two 1s and two 2s, goodnight Sergeants.

Turn 5: Templars destroy archers and kill the Turkish Army General, the Turks all test within 8DU and lose two units that had casualties already.

No losses for the Crusaders this turn, but a different story for the Turks. Up to 19 Army Points. Turkish player fails four discipline tests.

Turn 6: Last turn The Crusaders get the advantage in the dice for the first time in the game 6 Red dice and one Blue, the tide is turning for the army of god!
All the Spear armed foot charge

The Crusaders Cavalry (bottom of pictures) and spear unit (next unit up) destroy 2 cavalry units.
Game end: Crusaders lost 19 Army points and Seljuk Turks lost 27 Army points. The Crusaders last turn saved the day, with some high combat rolls. A real nail biter, especially as it was only my opponents 3rd game, and he rolled great dice to my driveling dice rolls at the start.

And the moral of the story, never give up. The dice gods will return