So it begins, the first
recruits of what will end up a 1000 plus figure Turkish army. Building
it to cover SYW and Napoleonic periods. 400 infantry (100 were not sent
by supplier, chasing them now), 18 Cavalry (to start. Over 500 in the
plan), Commanders and artillery. 15mm Figures by Old Glory. Janissaries
for example. Will be based for Shako II rules, but with a slight adaption can be used for Principles of War Rules.
Next Orta (regiment) of Janissaries
Heavy Foot guns
Foot Gun
Here are the first Battalion of six Nazim
units. I know most paint them with black webbing, but as most of their
equipment appeared to be French supplied (much to the disgust of
Britain), I thought white (and it looks nicer in the figs). 15mm Old
Glory based for Shako II. Also some more artillery.
Two captured Russian guns, Foot and horse.

The Ottomans now have some command😂.
General, Corps CO, Divisional CO and ADCs. Figures are 15mm Old Glory,
Horses are a mix of AB & Fantassin. All based for Shako II.
General/ Sultan
Corps Commander
Divisional Commanders
The last unit for the Ottomans for April. Another unit of Nazim.
Aprils output
Third unit of Nazim-i-Cedit.
Did these over three days.
Started on the 3rd, even the horses, done in oil paints dried much
quicker on the radiator). One unit of Sekhans (2nd Rate), three units of
Sipahi Cavalry and an army general Base. All 15mm Old Glory. The Sekhan should be Light Infantry and only operate in
Skirmish, but I have figures for skirmishers to be done later.
General, now with his personal standard!
Sipahi, irregular horse.
More Sipahi
picked up from B&B over the years. The Bombard/ Mortar and a few
other guns came with about 30 of this type of crew. Will probably never
use it but had to join the army. The Turkish Militia unit are actually
18th C. Scots. I have based them like this as they are an Unreliable
rabble, like the Bazi Bazouks.
Albanian Light Infantry, 15mm Battle Honours Zouves in disguise.
This time the first unit of Bazi
Bazouks for the 18th C. 15mm Old Glory, I used block painting with brown
wash on these. not too much time on them as I expect they will never be
on the table for very long! based as Unreliable troops..
Another unit of Bazi
Bazouks and a lancer unit of unknown
make (B&B, I think these are Persian, revamped).
Ottoman Friday Update: Finished the Mameluks finally, also got some early Mameluks off ebay, needed a bit of TLC and re-base, More Sekans and some "Turkish" (Transylvanian really) skirmish bases. Last Pic are the Cavalry, so far!
Fighting 15s
Comparison: Old Glory (left) Fighting 15s (right).JPG?width=960&height=720&fit=bounds)
Skirmish unit from "By Fire and Sword" and more OG Sekans
This week's meagre output. 2 units of OG 15mm Janissaries with a few Essex, and a unit of Anatolian Militia (Battle Honours ACW Zouaves).
15mm Ottoman Army update. Progressing well atm. Here are two weeks worth. various makes Old Glory, Fighting 15s, By Fire and Sword and some Mikes Models (these were already painted, from Ebay, just rebased them). Also found 3 undercoated French Generals and finished those off.
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