1st BC Early Imperial Rome are expanding their Empire to Northern
Europe, against them the tribes of Germania unite in the defeat of the
Imperialist power of Tiberius Augustus.
500 points Sword & Spear in 15mm
The Germans deployed and advanced slowly across the great plain, giving the Romans time to deploy.
The Roman Cavalry faced off the mounted Germanic nobles.
The large warbands move onward as if one force
Turn 1: The Germans plan seems to be working, in that they can move all their units up!
Turn 2: Again the Germans move as one, getting more dice each "pull" and group moving.
Taking a kill or two, which can be absorbed within the Large units (can take 6 kills)
Turn 3: The first line of Skirmishers and bows are contacted, although some Roman Light unit evade to the rear.
The evading first line allowed the Germans to hit the Roman second line of Auxillia
End of Turn 3 Casualties
Turn 4: The Germans are close enough to charge along the line
The German Flanks hit first
The Roman General accompanies the Auxillia and a Captain with the Cavalry, charge, but lose one of their units and are on the brink of losing a Cavalry
End of Turn 3 Casualties
Turn 5: The Germans got 5 dice at a crucial point n the game and rolled their dice, Scheiße
The Romans could choose where to use their two dice in combat..JPG?width=1920&height=1080&fit=bounds)
The Larger German warbands were absorbing the kills
But still lost a couple of units
End of turn 5 Casualties, 15 Points, 4 more would be an army Discipline test
The Germans lost another small unit
Final Turn: Last throw for the Germans to break the Roman morale
The Romans were inflicting kills, but not enough to break the units..JPG?width=1920&height=1080&fit=bounds)
The two Roman Cavalry broke leaving the flank open.
End of Turn 6 and last turn, Casualties
Germans lost a large unit along with a Captain
Roman passed their army Discipline tests and finished losing 22 points
out of 28 to break, and the Germanic losing 18 points 5 short of the
Army Discipline test and 16 points from breaking.
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