The D4s are Div nos. The D6s you see are Div Initiative dice.We used a couple of "pick up" armies from the rules, 1809 I think
The counters are Blue/ yellow= Staggered. Green/ White = Artillery fired this turn. Red = Failed Volley and Fallback. Green on cav = Blown.
Deployment. We both decided against better judgement to use 5 Divisions each. In doing this we were taking Div Morale at losing 2 units!

French Cav Div (Right Flank)

1st, 2nd and reserve Divs (Center)

3rd Div (Left Flank)

Austrian Right

Austrian Center

Austrian Left

Initial Moves

One of the central French divs move in!

French 2nd Div one move away from contact.

French left getting staggered by artillery

Lots of Cav Melees

Center, sees the Austrians starting to buckle

French 2nd divs Elite punch a hole in the enemy's line!

French 3rd div taking on Austrian left.

The end game finished with the Austrian center starting to buckle with divisional morale test causing 2 demoralised divisions,
I have a lot more games to add soon.
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