A couple of years ago, Big Jim and I played "Snipe" on the Bank Holiday at our clubs Big Game Day. Jim picked the scenario and we both gathered our forces for the day.From Rapid Fires' Monty's Desert Battles Page 60.
Al the terrain and Axis Forces were from my collection and Jim supplied the British.
The first three moves were night moves and nothing much happened, but, on turn four, all hell let loose form both sides. Not many pics I am afraid, but hopefully enough to get a feel of the intensity of the game.
Pre-game deployment:
The 2nd Rifle Battalion were deployed in the Snipe ( a hard cover depression in the centre of the table). The Germans had deployed an FlaK 88, PaK 38, a 20mm AA gun and a 47mm AT gun in hard cover dug in positions close to the Snipe. Gruppe Steifelmayer deployed close to the German end of the table. At the British end of the table were two large positions either end of a ridge. "Stirling" occupied by Brits and "Aberdeen" occupied by a small Battalion of DaK. The brits only avenue on to the table was through a 4 inch gap in a Alamein minefield.The German 12th Armoured(Littorio) entered on turn 3 The Italian Bersaglieri entered on turn 5 and the German 21st Panzer Division, reinforcements entered on turn 8.
Gruppe Steifelmayer
The German 12th Armoured(Littorio) and Italian Bersaglieri Regt
German 21st Panzer Division
Table from German end, Aberdeen on left of far ridge and Stirling on right.
"Stirling" and Snipe in center of table.
British Artillery support
British 24th Armoured and Gordon Highlanders (enter from turn 1 through the minefield)
Turn 1 to 6 had a few bits and pieces hit etc.
Gruppe Steifelmayer attacked the snipe until it had destroyed all the AT guns then was to move onto the centre ridge between the two strong points.
Turn 7
German 12th Armoured(Littorio) advance behind a long ridge towards Stirling.
Attacking the armour on the ridge.
Stirling turn 7
Aberdeen turn 7 (about 5 Dak left)
Turn 8, Jim's air support arrived
It arrived OK, but my AA shot it down.
Turn 9, Lucky I shot Jim's aircraft down as mine arrived next turn. and dropped it's first bomb on a portee in Stirling and destroyed it.
Turn 10, Fighting around Stirling intensifies as the Bersaglieri start to support the armour.
One lone 6pdr was holding his own in the Snipe and causing casualties on the attackers
The 21st advances past the Snipe to support Aberdeen and take on the Shermans.
The Stuka rained terror over the next two turn hitting and destroying its 2nd and 3rd pre-designated targets.
By turn 12 Aberdeen had fallen to the British, but it was to late, the Germans had inflicted to many casualties and the Stirling defenders were forced back having no armour or AT guns left to support it.
The Snipe fell on turn 14, with the defenders losing a morale check and surrendered (being surrounded at this point).
21st Panzer were pressing on Aberdeen and the British had taken too many casualties and conceded Stirling and Aberdeen.
An overwhelming German victory, mainly caused by lucky hits on British Artillery FO's and bad Artillery dice by the British Players. Although German Artillery was not that much better.
Thanks to Jim and Darren his 2iC and to Graham, My 2iC who did what he was ordered.